The Reminder

A similar entity to the human body is a mobile phone! A portable computer. It speaks, gathers sensory information, and can send messages to others. It can see, read, hear, and is aware of its environment. Precise. A reminder for you to look back at the previous generation of computers. Observe the hands on the keyboard modifying the code. Replace your mobile phone with new software that enables the distribution of modifications and facilitates printing new hardware....

April 2, 2024 · evgnomon

The Denominator

Assume you give another party exposure to money. Basically, write it under a private key belonging to the second party. This is leverage as money is measured in non-money. As this is a leveraged contract for the first party, it must be a leveraged contract for the second one too. The contract just rolls forward as long as money is measured in non-money. The ratio at which the first party is in leverage remains constant as long as earnings for the first party, out of the contract, are not written in non-money....

March 30, 2024 · evgnomon

Split Sea

If you buy something with money, you apparently expect to receive something in return. The one who receives money from you is not going to repeat the same thing, but in each transaction, something would be saved as the one who receives money from you doesn’t have to spend it to the extent you did. So, after a few transactions, half is saved. This is also true even if you don’t receive money but instead receive a token or credit....

March 27, 2024 · evgnomon

The Blue

You make a function to realize a relation. It could be physical, in that case, it lets us know about the other by knowing about one. What we know about the other depends on the type of function. Putting these functions together lets us have a system which, in the large, is also a function that lets us know about larger entities, in terms of data, in relation to the system....

March 8, 2024 · evgnomon

The Savior

Money is to transfer value. And more value over time as it also transfers wealth. In space and in time. It can not transfer in space unless it transfers in time. So saving in money is investing in wealth. And money needs fixed supply otherwise it transfer anything except the wealth. Given that digital wealth, the software, is transferable so we can possibly have a network for it. And everything else is controlled by software....

March 1, 2024 · evgnomon