Government’s Role

In a society that naturally aims for balance and stability, both the government and individuals have important roles to play. The system will naturally evolve towards a fair and orderly state and it can be peaceful depending to the direction taken by the government. By understanding and embracing these roles, societies can achieve a state where laws are respected, governance is accountable, and everyone can grow individually and as a society by using the full capacity of each and every individual.

The Government’s Role: Ensuring Lawfulness and Accountability

The job, and only job, of the government is to follow the law itself and make sure others do too, essentially maintaining the boundaries of order. By acting legally, the government sets a good example and holds everyone to the same standards. This helps maintain order and prevents misuse of power. Like keeping drivers accountable to traffic rules, or a referee in a game, the government is supposed to enforce legal rules.

Governments must ensure that all actions are legal, creating a trustworthy and stable society. When people see that the laws apply to everyone, including the government, it builds confidence and maintains social order. People can hold the government accountable to the code of law and change it if necessary. As the government essentially runs the law, finding a new government that adheres to the same laws should be straightforward. This can be periodically done by the individuals through elections. A legal government won’t reject this check. Otherwise it is probably not a legal government.

The Individuals’ Role: Innovators and Creators

While the government ensures legality, individuals drive change and improvement. They update laws, create new business ideas, advance technology, and tell new stories. These efforts collectively shape a better future.

Individuals ideally are active participants in society, always looking for ways to adapt and improve. Their innovations solve problems and inspire others, helping society respond to new challenges. Individuals are the ones who are supposed to change the code. They are typically those willing to leave the current law in favour of the new. If stopped, they will be pushed to the edge of the society, and the society will lose its potential to grow to the same extent. And at some point leaving the society will be the only option for them.

A Self-Regulating Society

The interaction between a lawful government and innovative individuals creates a self-regulating society.

The government ideally is a reflection of the individuals. A government that stops modifications to the code doesn’t truly exist; In that situation, what really exists is an individual who has failed to find the modifying code. The government runs the code, while individuals are the coders. The code always exists to the extent autonomously adopted and is always changing. A government that actively tries to stop change is not a government. It unfortunately creates chaos where actions cancel each other out. Ultimately leaving the government in disarray compared to others.

Individuals participate in different contracts and can also participate temporarily in the government to form a different government. But this relationship is not reciprocal; the government cannot really take control from individuals to form a different society. Such attempts will inevitably fail regardless of the size of the society, if even one individual remains independent. Thus, these actions must be legal, and mechanisms should exist for individuals to prevent such overreach by the government.

Regardless of the structure of the government, it is a single body referring to the same law and using the same armed force. There is no excuse for the government to violate the first principle of the law: the government itself being legal. Being legal means allowing individuals to understand the code and modify it in a civilized manner. This applies equally to foreign relations. The government must be legal in the eyes of its citizens and other governments to form relations based on mutual respect and understanding. Otherwise, citizens and other governments should be able to leave it in favor of a new type of relationship.

The government can always follow or unfollow policies, but the first principle, which is being legal, is permanent, and the government is always responsible for it. Being legal does not require an illegal entity for protection or promotion. Law is protected by a legal government, among other things, and law protects a legal government. A legal government protects individual rights, and individual rights protect law and the legal government. And law protects individual rights. None of these three entities are self-sufficient, and there is a clear boundary between them. Law is a text run by the government, like a computer program run by a computer. And the individual is the one who chooses which code is run by computers, including the government as a computer.

All three are chosen: I choose what type of individual I am, I choose what type of government I want, and I choose what type of code I adopt. And I change any of them at any time. I am the reality. We are.

The Guarantee

What guarantees that a person or trend doesn’t hijack the government? It depends on what you mean by hijack! There is no guarantee except death, as a hijacked government loses its legal status and is recognized as the source of many, if not all, issues. It also becomes difficult for the hijacker until they too are identified as the source of these issues. Is there a better guarantee for a legal government? An illegal government has no future. The system changes (except one code).

No guardian is needed for something that both exists and is guaranteed. Therefore, being a guardian means protecting an identity over any law. These guardians are identified by that identity through language, traditions, religion, color or similar factors. Their influence is on both the society, feeding identity-centric trends, and the political leaders who rely on that identity to form a government or choose between chaos and accepting the terms imposed by the guardian.

This is an irreversible transition, as strengthening the identity over the law without another guardian to control these guardians leads to chaos without the ability to legally object it! As objecting it legally requires accepting that identity too. Other than that, positive and negative political interaction with that identity seeking movements just strengthens the identity keeping it up as a trend and available as a candidate to take further power. Pushing it, will be probably responded by a harder push back.

For the same reason that an illegal governments don’t have a future, this can only be a dream created by the shadow. What happens is a global singular identity that becomes the denominator of all identities. A singular identity is the door to the outer world. Whoever comes along finds nothing lasting except in favor of that singular global denominator identity.

And you are the one who needs that a lot, and that denominator needs you too. The relationship is a lovely one and naturally enforced as the remedy for chaos. So, it is also legal, even if not recognized by law. You may seek the shadow until something reminds you of the difference, prompting you to seek further.

Multiple identities gaining power, rather than a single identity, ultimately accelerates the emergence of a singular ultimate identity that takes full power without any law being able to oppose it.