Name, Disruption, and Use

We invest in a trust to create something greater than the sum of individual contributions. This fund can be used to subscribe to necessary services or to finance the development of new features. As markets evolve, those who save in nothing except one digital are to dominate, meaning that any production company, regardless of size, must target the future digital world in one way or another. To do so, companies need to understand what Bitcoin holders prefer to consume and how these preferences align with production needs. Targeting Bitcoin, i.e. measuring in Bitcoin, secures company’s future by impacting the choice in both the inputs and outputs of production.

What is ideal for the alien to consume? It must be something that ensures a secure exit and continuous development. Code, in one word. Thus, production in the market involves producing, distributing, and using code or any supporting necessities like food, housing, travel, education, etc. This is why those in these industries must accept Bitcoin as payment; it aligns with their core mission, similar to a parent sacrificing for their own child.

Creating a fund to invest in, distribute, and use code requires nothing more than developer time being invested, which is already available. As long as software can be modified, its development cannot be stopped, ever. Investing in the trust means creating a record of your contributions. The fund consists of developers collaborating and contributing resources like machines and internet access, essential regardless of the projects they’re involved in.

As long as we need food from grocery stores, and as long as these stores haven’t fully transitioned to digital solutions, we need to maintain parts of the existing system. This ensures sustenance as we move towards a digital future. Maintaining the current system to the extent necessary for the digital tomorrow can only be done by those who are investing in this digital future. Non-digital activities represent a form of consumption that should be minimized, unless becomes meaningful to the main project. This shift can be efficiently directed by those who benefit from Bitcoin’s future, ready to sacrifice non-digital businesses, their own child in favour of the one prominent. The best way to identify what should be replaced by digital solutions is to examine cost structures and explore existing tools that can reduce these costs with Bitcoin. This approach is essential for identifing the next building block for expanding the digital world.

The idea of creating a trust, directed by those fully invested in Bitcoin, doesn’t weaken Bitcoin nor anyone else. Instead, it strengthens and accelerates Bitcoin’s growth, giving meaning to the work of everyone, even non-Bitcoiners, by securing the most strategic building blocks of a world dominated by code and applications. These applications should be open to modification under a proper license, ensuring continuous improvement and open modifiability.

Even those without Bitcoin, might need to use Bitcoin favoured production! And that could by accelerated by the trust investing Bitcoin to transform the target business into a digital business who is more favoured by Bitcoiners out there in the market. This is a way to accelerate the transformation of the world into a digital world, where the most strategic building blocks are secured by a trust that invests in the future of Bitcoin.