The Covenant

All the wealth between earth and the skies belongs to one, and you requested that this entity replace another’s name with yours. Such an act requires a sacrifice, unless you borrow from this being which entails returning it within 90 minutes. This one has sacrificed everything for his true followers—those that don’t sacrifice on other names. These followers exchanged sacrifices in the market, where you, having nothing but what had already been sacrificed....

July 21, 2024 · evgnomon

Government, Individuals and Law

In a society that naturally aims for balance and stability, both the government and individuals have important roles to play. The system will naturally evolve towards a fair and orderly state and it can be peaceful depending to the direction taken by the government. By understanding and embracing these roles, societies can achieve a state where laws are respected, governance is accountable, and everyone can grow individually and as a society by using the full capacity of each and every individual....

May 25, 2024 · evgnomon

The Root Key

Information is typically public unless it is designated as controlled. A secret is information with restricted access. This access can be revoked through access control mechanisms. Secrets are maintained by rotation; when a secret is rotated, its access is simultaneously revoked. Therefore, a secret can be defined as a piece of information that is subject to rotation and is essential for accessing other resources. Each secret is assigned a unique identifier, allowing us to distinguish it from other information....

April 26, 2024 · evgnomon

The Reminder

A similar entity to the human body is a mobile phone! A portable computer. It speaks, gathers sensory information, and can send messages to others. It can see, read, hear, and is aware of its environment. Precise. A reminder for you to look back at the previous generation of computers. Observe the hands on the keyboard modifying the code. Replace your mobile phone with new software that enables the distribution of modifications and facilitates printing new hardware....

April 2, 2024 · evgnomon

The Denominator

Assume you give another party exposure to money. Basically, write it under a private key belonging to the second party. This is leverage as money is measured in non-money. As this is a leveraged contract for the first party, it must be a leveraged contract for the second one too. The contract just rolls forward as long as money is measured in non-money. The ratio at which the first party is in leverage remains constant as long as earnings for the first party, out of the contract, are not written in non-money....

March 30, 2024 · evgnomon