Fertility Rate

A sustainable population requires a fertility rate of around two or slightly more, on average, as suggested by mathematics. A lower fertility rate implies that children are seen as less useful. When subscribing to a product, its utility normally increases over time, accelerating its value and potentially reducing its cost. This principle can be similarly applied to children, but with a negative cost implication. The negative price means, if you do not sell it, nothing would be bought from you and if you sell, it will be definitely bought....

December 29, 2023 · evgnomon

Technology Singularity and The State

Technology is more useful being used! so a singularity. No need to put numbers from the past showing the exponential growth. So the relation is the other way around as the devided big tech accelerates the technology singularity. the time will arrive. State controls the devided big tech and collects tax. State is a big tech itself, an artificial singularity. The state can not control the singularity since they are kind of singularity, artificial....

December 22, 2023 · evgnomon

Digital Factory

A quintessential example of high-tech technology, traditionally requiring substantial organizational resources, is automotive research and development (R&D) and manufacturing. In this realm, car manufacturing is executed by specialized robotic arms. However, these same assembly lines can be adapted to produce various products under a strict rule: “No human presence is allowed inside the factory.” This restriction ensures that only robots, programmed remotely, enter the facility for maintenance or part replacements....

December 10, 2023 · evgnomon