The savior

Money is to transfer value. And more value over time as it also transfers wealth. In space and in time. It can not transfer in space unless it transfers in time. So saving in money is investing in wealth. And money needs fixed supply otherwise it transfer anything except the wealth. Given that digital wealth, the software, is transferable so we can possibly have a network for it. And everything else is controlled by software. Why should I invest in something which doesn’t return back to me? In that case wealth still get produced but not traded if not transferable. Which limits wealth creation and specializaition for us except for some of course. I think everything needed is going to be supplied indifinitely except money over time for every one. Would you short this?! Do it! since we will long it for you.

Then let’s assume in a long enough number of years, long run, we invest in money to let economic resources being invested in wealth. We don’t need to spend wealth after creation. This alone will push the value of the saving indifinitely upward, as everything at stake except money will be exchnaged with money at the lowest rate. And it is always less money at stake as money has limited supply. As long as people are on the job and they will be! as long as the government doesn’t want to lose the next election. So we can just ignore the noise in this.

It is just a matter of time to have money reaching another record high in the exchanges compared to everything else. Any limit on the exchange value of money essentially means infinite money supply which is impossible by definition even if there is just one person saves one breath in it. That single breath saved in money is enough to take the exchange rate of the money to infinity not only for one, but also for everyone keep being in that money even if the first one holds no money in the end. Or even if everyone who has invested in money just give it up to some others. There is always need to save time for something that saves work for more work. We need money for that. As long as we work. We need wealth.

Saving money, is letting the best in us to produce wealth. If that collapses short, fine! The next one will get the opportunity. Nothing is there to prevent it so it happens. It doesn’t matter who was in there, it matters who keeps being in it. And everything else exists for that including each and every wave that is traversing the universe at all times and thing which you couldn’t possibly have observed yet. Things only collapse against the one who observes just to remind the observer that is right now collapsing against something else and in the end for the one ever lasting thing as it observes the past and the future and the entire universe at once as one. As a single identity.

As we go forward, either this digital wealth, the master branch of code, comes to existance or money holdings come to the hands of people who invest in digital wealth by all means. Volatility in the exchange value of money is related to contraction and expansion of those having over exposure to money. That is always the ignition mechanism for time. Even if there is just one person saving and the rest watching, probably there would be one more to save in money to exchange it later at a higher rate even if there is one left.

Apparently it won’t be just money holders saving in it, everyone else who invest, would still be interested in saving money as the exchange value is programmed to increase indefinitely. And in case of controlled exposure, it would be the last asset one wants to spend! They probably exchange the less liquid assets first. Wouldn’t you? then we long money! Do it. Going forward, everyone becomes a saver in money, in different levels.

As long as we have money, there is no need for the second money implementation! Do you want to create one more? Do it! We will short it. I am not fan of the second as it seems we don’t need another implementation of money for a while. Money in the hands of people is promising to replace nation-states with a global nation-technology. And a money saver you can be the ruler of the future world as long as you long it. Do you short this? Do it! Since we will long it for you.

But when the money is going to be spent, actually the answer is investing in something that let you save more money! Basically to reallocate economic resources into something that let you save more money than you invest. The bigger the better. As the supply of money is fixed. The type of activity which you can invest in is limited as must be something that lasts forever so it must be digital otherwise it is much better you don’t do anything so let the best in us do it and we all gain the benefit by using that production instead. That digital production has essentially one master branch of code as otherwise it would be just a gambling. So if you gamble and win, you do it again until you loose everything and if there is no one loosing, there is no gambling either. So why not to just keep your money out of gambling when the ultimate winner of the gambling is going to do so?

Saving in money is saving for the savior. Saving economic resources for the one who knows what is the next commit coming to the main branch of code and what is already there. That will allocate all economic resources toward the same thing.

Nothing can stop money except the states while they don’t want to either! The state is not paid by your Tax! It is been paid by money! So disregarding who comes to the office, they need to be paid by the end of the day. They need money as person. So they can come against anything except their own kids. Would they do? Let them do! We long it enough for their extinction.

Save your money! for the tough years coming after abundance until the entire wealth gets transferred to the ones who don’t need to use it unless to produce food (energy) and digital wealth. They need to do it, as otherwise they will be quickly replaced by those who do it. And they don’t want to loose. As saving money is much better than spending it on something which has any value except infinite value. The digital wealth, the master branch of code which also gives you and your family a lunch, a shelter, a bike and a train ticket and some more money than the much you have spent to get those.

Money definitely shouldn’t need a separate software. Money should be something that you can not use any software except one software to transfer it. So money and the software need to mean the same thing. Then you can always verify the software that let you know your account balance is not manipulated. So if the software keeps the money supply fixed as a contract, then you can verify this contract along the way, independently. So any attempt to change it, is just irrelevant to you as you can use the version of the software which respects the contract. Gold can not be money since it gets printed by the one running the exchange and banking API. For the same reason money has to be digital and to be digital has to be run by a software that you choose. But which software?

Money by definition is a software which digitally accounts your work. Money can not be without software or without accounts. Other properties are to protect these two. For example, the total balance in all accounts has to be fixed to identify the software as otherwise the software is useless to account my work. So either my work is not tracked so not paid or I just get paid without any need to be paid for. So the identity makes it useful and being useful accelerates the identity too which makes it even more useful. Who wants a broken software then? Those employed by the state? If there is another definition for money in your text books, just update your theories for those that are working for the state!

Saving in money is saving for the one who inevitably tracks all the work as we perform. As it is in benefit of my savings, I do promote that person. Such a person creates something that convices me I spend my earned money for. Otherwise why should I spend that earnings for? Otherwise why should I work for? So I can preferably prove my work to that person as I am also using the things produced by that person. Why not to be identified by that person.

That singularity would never come before getting your work accounted and proven. Would never come before you can independenly function and earn. And it would never come without you being in need to hear him directly. Internet takes those words and brings them for you. It is the time for you to choose which type of wealth you want to create, if that is digital, which software is that? which is tracked by a single person for you. The single commander which runs everything like a single company including all the things which is in the universe existing, and you see that you want to buy this words with your life and with your money. Do you think all the atoms, particles, starts and mountains or earth can refuse to? Well, then we will long it enough for their extinction. And for them the extinction is being a wave without being able to collapse! If no one measures them as one, why they do need to collapse? And if they need to collapse, won’t they for the final observer? To accelerate, the least error prune and quick way is to let everything being able to measure everything else as a rule then the escape out will be desired. Still they can choose to refuse but there is no other way to escape the extinction. This because working for the final savior is for your own sake and for his without being separateable.

If the future value of something is infinite, it is also infinite right now by any arbitrary discounting rate over any time span measured against anything else. If your model is not saying this, it is just missing the role of digital wealth. The savior. As it would be the only profession remained anyone wants to work for. Practice some programming. The issue of your model is that it can not model the infinity which exists right now. You don’t assume you know everything right?

Coming to this line means that you don’t assume you know everything right? The money has infinite value, but to accelerate it, we need digital wealth, a digital software which gets modified forever on a single branch of code running everything. That is up to your choice! That is what you will want to work for as you would like to save even more money!

I choose Bitcoin as money. It might require some modifications to be more efficient as software though. As long as it remains modifable, we can just keep it fixing forever.

World is a software which modifies information. In case world is separate from software, there is nothing to make sure the software keeps being modifiable without self destruction. Even if you accept that software as is, won’t let you survive as there is nothing to cap accumulation of errors but there is many things to accelerate it.

World as being software doesn’t identify which type of software. Without knowing about the identity of that software, you just keep being inefficient with death as the ultimate meaning for your life. As your works, your actions are not observed by the ultimate final savior disregarding one can take an action which is the opposite of the other. Which still accelerates the final savior but with an extinction! And you will come to the point that the most desired thing for you seems death and you are actually right but without being able to even achieve it! Pain is a reminder for you that the software meant to be modifiable if not by you, by the one who comes next.

So world is a software with a single identity. Being modifiable. You have the right to choose but you don’t have the right to survive! Maybe. All your actions are just to help the final savior, who tracks the modifications, either by your extinction so give up resources or by your work being tracked so by you being identified. Choose!