Split Sea

If you buy something with money, you apparently expect to receive something in return. The one who receives money from you is not going to repeat the same thing, but in each transaction, something would be saved as the one who receives money from you doesn’t have to spend it to the extent you did. So, after a few transactions, half is saved.

This is also true even if you don’t receive money but instead receive a token or credit. Actually, you just purchase credit with all your money; still, money is saved down the chain. Not by you apparently, but by some other entity. After a few transactions, half is saved.

It is apparently not about half being saved; you can just continue tracking the same money in a few subsequent transactions to see another half is saved, but next time it is one-fourth of the total compared to the beginning. The amount left unsaved becomes exponentially irrelevant as time passes. So, it’s all about where the saving takes place. There the half-life gets extended. Maybe.

In case you purchase a type of work which is not sustainable, the half-life becomes shorter for you. As those who work for you are not going to be purchased back with money. Maybe by credit. So, those who receive money from you are not going to return it back to you. In this case, you are not investing your money; you just lose wealth. You are just running a simulation and paying for that with your savings, like playing theater, with the difference that in a theater you earn something, but in this type of investment, you pay to those who watch your theater. You are milked without pay.

If you keep your money savings untouched, your half-life is not going to change. But you cannot keep your money savings untouched unless you breathe oxygen, drink water and eat food, pay for transportation and clothes, and have a shelter shared with your family. The essentials. But essentials are not going to be something that each and everyone needs to work for; some can produce it, and the rest use it. This translates to a few years of working. More work in this, the shorter the time would be as this type of needs is limited. So, there should be some level of savings that you and your family don’t need to work for essentials anymore; it could be assumed being there at some point in time. From there, you can just spend your savings on essentials with your half-life unchanged. So, the half-life is not only dependent on the level of savings but also on the type of work being purchased with money.

In case you accept credit instead of money, you are just accepting the essentials! But in case what you consider essential was not really essential, you just increase it for others at the expense of yours. This doesn’t mean that they can keep their half-life increased. They just shrink it if they spend it on their own theater and they extend it for some others. At some point, all will realize this to various degrees and make the best choice in spending their money. Or basically, allocating economic resources. For their own sake.

Reaching the escape velocity could be very short. The point at which your half-life doesn’t change as long as you consume the essentials. But there is one more thing in there. You! Your time is returned back to you. That is the moment when your decisions are not based on essentials; it must be based on something else. That is the ever-lasting life. In that situation, you can work and just immediately receive the result of your work. In the case of working digitally, you just share with others with a license that it gets returned back to you modified by others. You got paid already. As you have received a large body of code for free, and you can just pay it back by sharing your own modifications.

You can also run your own company to run all that body of code for yourself and others. You can earn money for this without needing to spend that money unless for the expansion of resources being added to the service. Anyone can invest in your works by just saving money! That, in effect, releases economic resources to theater players and real players at the same time, which as a result just takes more to the escape velocity! The real players. Misallocation is extinction for those who waste and those that accept it.

Those that escape earlier are those that choose to escape, and they can fall on earth again while they don’t want to. Fluctuations in the purchasing power of money are not locally real. That is the wave belonging to a splitting sea, which is there to keep the lifetime secured for those who are in the hatch. Pretty soon, there will be no one left taking their role, unless they sit in the hatch and traverse with the waves. The waves is taking the ark to the promised land.

Sit in the hatch. It reaches the escape velocity. Take one pair out of everything (except one thing). All for one ever lasting civilization.