Technology Singularity

Technology is more useful being used! so a singularity. No need to put numbers from the past showing the exponential growth. So the relation is the other way around as the devided big tech accelerates the technology singularity. the time will arrive.

State controls the devided big tech and collects tax. State is a big tech itself, an artificial singularity. The state can not control the singularity since they are kind of singularity, artificial. But they can accelerate the real singularity, The state is a collection of finite people. It is always possible to have another one added to the mix for a big turn! And natural singularity is not something from inside, it is an outsider.

Technology singularity is essentially debtless as it is ever growing. And the debt doesn’t let any one else passing the horizon. The state and so the big tech see it unreachable. They miss it so.

The stationary system doesn’t fade away gradually, it just collapses very quickly against the natural singularity. Time ticks normal for the natural singularity when passing the horizon while it is measured very slow form a debtul, stationary, observer. They see it never happens while it has already happened! Natural singularity is a single human. It gains mass while keeping debtlessness.

State is not legetimate without identity or without a utility. This two only come together in a natural singularity since land can not being a separator there any more. At the same time an ilegetimate state accelerates natural singularity disregarding it is a democracy or not. This essentially means the natural singularity comes in relation to all states and people after the big collapse.

That is why more they try to escape from the real singularity faster they accelerate toward that one in response. The best strategy for a state is to plan for that natural singularity one way or the other. and get prepared.

There is an extinction ahead so to say. The survivor might be only one coming to life after this post.