
Assume a Bitcoin trust! An investment fund in Bitcoin. Receive an address from us and transfer your funds there. You cannot withdraw the funds without a signature from the trust. The trust will discuss the need for withdrawal; otherwise, it will approve the withdrawal after written approval by the holders of the financial signatures in the company. This trust helps companies hold Bitcoin and potentially profit from their savings.

The trust filters opportunities that can be profitable in Bitcoin. We introduce these opportunities to our members, who can then choose to deploy their capital in these projects based on a release plan. This is a global Bitcoin fund for profitable projects measured in Bitcoin.

We collect your Bitcoins by securing a withdrawal right for you and for ourselves. This ensures that all Bitcoins spent will be returned to those who spent them. This can also be done individually; just pick up a banana, and your Bitcoin spent is immediately returned! However, if we want to return more Bitcoins than were spent, we need to undertake larger projects that would not be profitable on a smaller scale. This ensures that the Bitcoin spent returns both the initial investment and a profit.

The question is what kinds of projects could be profitable in Bitcoin, given that not investing is also an option as the value of everything else decreases in Bitcoin terms. The answer is software and apparently anything else essential for being. As it is the only thing that is everlasting and still modifiable if properly designed which eventually will be. To ensure that the software remains in continuous improvement and has a chance of returning invested Bitcoins, it must use a proper software license. This license is essential to secure the landing in the end.

The trust targets free software. As Bitcoin is global, infrastructure software and infrastructure as code are prioritized because they are more useful at a global level. So more chance to get a big fund. This does not mean other types of trusts cannot exist, but it would be much more challenging to imagine a return on Bitcoin without considering the end vision. Investment in other things might give a return on Bitcoin, but at some point, the return will diminish if it diverges from an ideal future. Bitcoin secures the ideal.

Discussing a trust involves leadership, meaning the allocation of capital must be approved by a single leader who secures the exit, protects against the death, and by individuals who own the capital. The leader must be an individual, not an organization, as organizations do not consume products while individuals do. Therefore, the leader should be a single person. A person as leader is inherently secure, requiring no additional security. Even if a group of people exists, each may want to consume different things. If one side is willing to use from the other, why have such an assembly? The situation becomes akin to multiple foundations sending their leaders to make a single decision. The question then becomes why we need more than one foundation for the same purpose when only one’s project is likely to be widely used. The rest are neither needed nor wanted. This leads to a single leader making decisions in a useful assembly.

The question of having a single leader with ultimate decision-making power for open infrastructure projects, along with the real owners, is whether we want to profit from Bitcoin or treat it as “the opium of the people.” It might appear as a good option if other choices are worse, but Bitcoin does not have to be just an opium. Without leadership, a natural trust guiding Bitcoin investments, Bitcoin remains nothing more than a strong “opium”. Such a vision does not exist on the horizon. Bitcoin becomes profitable when its profitability is connected to power, leading to universal and open infrastructure projects before even they exist in a crowd funding mechanism.

As long as the infrastructure is useful everywhere, we do not need a second project unless there is a use case not practically coverable by the main branch. If it is not part of the infrastructure code, it should be handled outside for those who need it. Whether the same trust supports the development or a separate one, if it is a separate project, it can be a second trust. They should still rely on the existing open infrastructure, as other methods do not have a future. Infrastructure acts as a foundation on which the product is developed. As long as the infrastructure does not assume the environment in which it runs, the software must be portable to various environments. Software is a set of processes running functions on a portable open infrastructure and communicating via message passing over a network or equivalent. The infrastructure defines what is essential to write those functions, while other components are optional. There could be multiple trusts but it would probably be with different projects, although there could be a collaboration between different trusts, the user permission is also needed for fund allocation between different trusts.

Without being able to answer how to produce a big thing before being produced, saving in Bitcoin just means go to vacation which might be a sound option compared to allocation of your time and assets into a gamble. But going to lifetime vacation is not what I want either! I also need to find the way through the future. Which the only way that happens is that either I use my time on vacation to fix something for my own, customize it!, which essentially falls short! it is typically hack as they are not doing this as one! There would be many different ways of doing the same thing in different ways! or it could also mean spending a portion of my Bitcoins which I would never need it even for being on a nice vacation! into something with bigger return on myself compared to a situation that I see myself alone! Instead just target the family in the beginning, the community, the target market, allies etc. In this way the impact is much bigger than the sum of individual investments and it is repeatable if done properly. It is choosing between traveling with a kayak, compared to traveling together with friends and family in a cruise! The only thing needed you know is who is selling the ticket! Then enjoy.

“Don’t sell your Bitcoin” alone, is not a practical rule. It translates to “Don’t buy Bitcoin”! Anything you invest in must also ensure a way out. Otherwise, why to invest in first? Even if you invest, there needs to be an alternative that competes with it. “Don’t sell your Bitcoin” translates to “Don’t work,” which might be an option if the work does not return value to you. But how can one feel good about being unproductive, contributing nothing while expecting everything? Working on something you do not use or recommend has no future and is a recipe for stagnation. Therefore, “Don’t sell your Bitcoin” targets futile effort. The correct message is “Make Bitcoin”! Which requires saving Bitcoin and encourages proper spending and investment to create lasting value for all of us and for the best in us at the same time. And you choose who is the best in us! it might be you, it might be me! And disagreement is safe, we just keep our Bitcoins until we agree! But that doesn’t mean the one who is the best in us is not active as it has one supporter! itself!

I refer to “free modifiable software” as “digital software,” and a subscription to that as a “digital product.”

Here is how it flies:

  • Buy Bitcoin by being a software developer!
  • Sell Bitcoin after a trust!
  • Protect Bitcoin by using an effective copyright license
  • Accelerate Bitcoin by using digital products, which will help you save even more Bitcoins!

Find options that match these criteria and choose the one that returns your Bitcoin the fastest, within 90 minutes. The rest is your contribution. In another word, The priority is with the one which gets us earlier to the contribution among viable options.