
You make a function to realize a relation. It could be physical, in that case, it lets us know about the other by knowing about one. What we know about the other depends on the type of function. Putting these functions together lets us have a system which, in the large, is also a function that lets us know about larger entities, in terms of data, in relation to the system.

The ultimate purpose of making a function is to let us save money. This comes with the reallocation of the workforce to something new which, in the end, lets us redeploy at least half, if not all, into a new product. If not after a year, then after a couple! A function, together with other functions, creates a system. A system might use other systems. And in the large, has one purpose: to save more money! Which lets us give more value to work.

To make a system, we need a set of functions which puts entities in a relation. A set of labels describes the identities entities receive. And a name identifies the entity itself as existing. Data, modified by the system clock in a series of events, is stored in entities. And there is always yet another function to put entities in a new relation.

Looking at entities and functions, it would make it possible to have a seamless integration between the physical world and what is not there, a uniform reality for the purpose of knowing about entities. Then we can modify the physical system through the metaphysical system or vice versa. For example, the difference between me and a character inside a computer game is what I am aware of, and I can just be the player inside the game if I accept what identifies that character as what identifies “me”. Just by receiving the identity of that character.

But then the question would be, are we in a game or simulation right now? And the answer is yes unless you recognize the moment when you fall into the simulation, and that is exactly the way out of the simulation. One step ahead which doesn’t yet ensure you are not in another simulation. If everything is a simulation, in games, there must be one outside. So all the games end there, whether you lose or win your current game.

Electricity comes from solar and wind sources and is saved in batteries. Electrical motors generate power. Commute using bikes and trains. We get power using batteries and electrical motors. Use trains and small ships for cargo. Use drones and mopeds for the last mile. These are things that even a small city can afford to set up worldwide. As long as we scale the production for those. Land cannot eventually keep its asset. Sand has zero price since it is more than needed! It has to give up for existence. So they will be sold even with the lowest possible price so the more efficiently we use land, the more affordable it becomes. So the price of natural resources is eventually set by the one who uses them for the most valuable production. So land follows the digital. We build up the tower in space, the land will give us all the assets at the most affordable price for the highest value being created out of it. Thanks to the angles of land. We can just assume angles will perform their functions at the right time. So we build up over the contract which they carry on shoulders.

So the question is, how can we live efficiently? Basically, how can we get more, with less work? Preferably no work at all so we can choose to work. Which apparently puts a high demand on algorithms running in the universal cloud which can handle my transactions. So we replace work with functions in that uni-cloud. And we know the cloud both through the API and through its identity being a uni-cloud which we don’t care who is plugged in to run it, angles will run it! We can unplug it and plug something else respecting the contract that the angle runs. That way we can just keep modifying and improving the same thing forever including for the angle.

Let’s start building this uni-cloud, and plug a few billion people into it. So we just make playbooks for the expansion of that universal cloud and maintain those playbooks. The base layer to track how much work is already in expansion. That is money. Now we need to give direction to save more work, more money. To use that work in a way to let us even save more work. In this uni-cloud, we don’t differentiate between machine and human as both have functions and both run scripts so both can save money for us so both can live for the same thing. The cloud saves some work for you so you can keep adding more functions more efficiently.

But as we want to onboard a few billion people into a single universal codebase, they need to work, get a living but without them all needing to relocate or being plugged into an umbrella company. As they are already in a worldwide company! So in that sense, they are all consultants plugged into a single parent company with the difference that the umbrella belongs to them. Without any written legal contract, but a contract that runs in hearts.

When people navigate the web, they are actually running a script. And in the end, modify some tables in a database and the transaction ends there. So they can run the next transaction going forward. As modifying data puts entities into relation, people can possibly receive a functional identity. In case we can plug another person doing the same function, then the function is just code so it could be handed out to the machine if that is written as code and instruction for the machine.

Let’s assume there is a blue box which can realize a function using a variety of resources just by receiving instructions. By uploading code that runs over the API of that blue box. Assuming that the blue box, the only thing I should do is to create a function in terms of instructions and share it with others to get that improved forever. The rest is handled by the blue box and I just pay for the resources and a subscription premium to be able to get access to that blue box. Then the blue box just prints as many functions as I want using existing resources like how it can print it on my computer display using 3D models or how it can run a serverless API on my local machine. With the difference that it is modifiable before going into the blue box on my laptop.

The only thing my city would need is to install a few of these blue boxes to the extent needed and print out as many functions as demanded and put them together in an easy way. The assembly itself could be done in an autonomous pipeline which parts in there are just printed by the blue box.

All these might look like how things are done today, but the main difference is that there is no function unless being printed by the blue box independent of which system they are going to be used. The blue box is the gate for everything. And the box prints or realizes functions from code. So the whole world is modifiable in code. As it is modifiable forever, the one that is free goes in lead so we will have a single integrated system in code. As the blue box itself is a function, it will be coded and printed out by the previous version. So the number of blue boxes available will exponentially grow with respect to the language the blue box talks with, the API spec.

So the only thing my city needs to enter that world is a single laptop, a few blue boxes perhaps rented to print more blue boxes using open-source playbooks. We want a few billion consultants; the one who passes the check mark first gets paid for the work. But to avoid giving the same work to many people, we just give the same work to many people! until one dominates and we repeat this. And you can choose the one who tracks your work so choose the winning horse! A be the winner.

The only thing you need to do is to find a proper tracker of your work. and the one who tracks your work needs to find a proper tracker of his works, and so on, and in all steps, people are developers since work means coding at all levels. So in that sense, that is you need to choose who tracks your work! So the track of your work is the one who uses it so can give direction. Just choose it as soon as you find it. It is much easier to find when there are many users for the code you make.

The name of this blue box kind of thing is Zygote which the source code is secured for you being free in the license and you can just realize your functions just by posting it to Zygote .Run and you can have a Zygote .Run instance in your lab, in your factory, in your city by assembling one or just by buying one assembled from someone who saves some money for you.

As Zygote doesn’t need to accept any currency except one, it imposes its own currency. It is Bitcoin. You need to accept Bitcoin to work for Zygote and you need to pay a transaction cost, a premium, if you want to buy from Zygote .Run using a currency except Bitcoin.